Fresh Foundary Store App
- Fresh Foundry is a Full-Stack E-Commerce Website developed from scratch using: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, Apache, Javascript, HTML & CSS.
- Key Features: Login / Logout, User Registration, Sessions, User/ Admin privileges, Personalized Cart System.
- The website features a complete Admin dashboard to add and remove items across categories. Orders placed from client side can also be managed from the Admin Dashboard.
- Client side features a range of products to choose from arranged in categories. Full-fledged cart management system. Forms to place orders that appear on the admin side. Ability to register, login and manage user profile.
Team Lead: Maaz Gundagi
Other Members: Ishan Dogra
The project was the highest graded submissions amongst the final submissions of server-side class of our program at RRC Polytech receiving a 100% grade.
Tech Stack